Repeated Lessons Are A Gift From God


From the new book, PRESENCE Recognizing the Divine in Your Everyday Life 

by Mary G. Jackson

As I was writing PRESENCE Recognizing the Divine in Your Everyday Life, I came upon some ideas that seemed to form a foundation for my experience of the Divine. I called these philosophical and spiritual ideas, Concepts. Currently there are 22 concepts that have become the framework upon which PRESENCE is built. 

Let’s explore the 11th concept: Repeated lessons are a gift from God. Persistence is about being devoted and tireless. The Divine is a champion of repeated lessons, second chances, and tenacious support. The stunning creation of our precious Earth gives us immeasurable examples of cycles and patterns that repeat. How unreal our lives might have been with a God who expected us to learn important life lessons with only one chance, or who gave us the beauty of nature for only one moment. 

We get many repeated chances to learn, grow, and understand. We can fall down, fail, get up, and try again. If it’s a lesson we need to learn about life and we don’t get it right at first, circumstances certainly come around again and again, giving us many opportunities. Redundancy is God’s way of saying “Wake up. Recognize that I am speaking to you. Listen to me. I love you so much. I will be persistent and will not give up on you. I will give you many lessons in your life, abundant chances to achieve happiness, and I will sustain you and hold you close – especially in your neediest times.”


The Role of Prayer in Communicating with the Divine


Rising To The Occasion